

EU exports sustain 38 million jobs in the Union

EU exports sustain 38 million jobs in the Union
15 November 2021

A new report released on 12 November (Friday) by the European Commission, Trade and Jobs Report, provides a host of statistics on European jobs connected to European trade. The report provides data over time at both European and Member State level and gives statistics by industry, skill level, gender etc.

For example, it shows that over 38 million jobs in the EU are supported by EU exports, 11 million more than a decade ago. These jobs are on average 12% better paid than those of the economy as a whole. The increase in export-supported jobs follows an even stronger increase in EU exports: alongside a 75% increase in export-related jobs between 2000 and 2019, total exports increased by 130%. The data indicate clearly that more trade means more jobs, and the best way to increase this is through securing new opportunities through trade agreements and diligently enforcing them. Given that 93% of all EU exporters are small and medium-sized companies (SMEs), it is also vital to help them understand opportunities and terms offered by a comprehensive network of 45 trade agreements concluded by the EU.

Trade creates and supports jobs all across the EU, and the numbers are increasing. The highest increases since 2000 have been in Bulgaria (+368%), Slovakia (+287%), Ireland (+202%), Slovenia (+184%) and Estonia (+173%).

The figures released today also highlight an important positive spillover effect within the EU from exports to the world. When EU exporters in one Member State do well, workers in other Member States also benefit. This is because firms providing goods and services along the supply chain also gain when their end-customer sells the final product abroad. To give an example, French exports to non-EU countries support around 658,000 jobs in other EU Member States, while Polish exports support 200,000 such jobs.

Moreover, EU exports to countries around the world support almost 24 million jobs outside the EU. These jobs have more than doubled since 2000. For instance, 1.5 million jobs in the United States, 2.2 million in India and 530,000 in Turkey are supported by the production of goods and services in those counties that are incorporated into EU exports through global supply chains. Finally, the study also looks into the gender pattern, concluding that there are more than 14 million women in jobs supported by trade in the EU.

Image © European Commission


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